Representing California regional organizations of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

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The California Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (CALACAP) is the state-wide umbrella organization that draws together the four regional councils of child and adolescent psychiatrists in California. Its purpose and mission is to represent the interests of the four regional organizations in California’s legislative process, public policy making, and clinical service administration as it finds them relevant to the mental health of California’s child, adolescents and families. CALACAP is incorporated as a 501-C6 compliant organization and is represented by the lobbying firm of Shaw, Yoder, Antwih, Schmeizer & Lange in Sacramento.

The membership of the Academy is made of the child and adolescent psychiatrists who belong to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) as national members and locally, to their respective regional councils. The regional councils each have representation on the Executive Council of CALACAP and governance is through votes of the elected/appointed representatives.

The four Regional Councils are:

In 2024, the aggregate membership represented more than 1,984 concerned child and adolescent psychiatrists across the state.